Episode 169
I Used To Like 'Fight Club'.
If anyone asks, Shawn and Aaron did NOT talk about ‘Fight Club’.
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If you would like to contact or donate to us:
Hear more content from Shawn with his other podcast ‘In Front Of The Yellow Line’.
Hear more content from Aaron with his other podcast ‘The Oblivion Bar’.
Support military veterans by donating to Aaron’s Non-Profit at www.ShredTheStress.org or follow @shredthestress on Twitter and Instagram.
©️2024 And Sometimes Why? Productions.
“The year was 2020 and a pandemic was sweeping the world. While at home with nothing else to do, Shawn Wells turned to watching movies he hadn’t seen in years. Thinking some of them held up and some of them definitely didn’t, he wanted to put it to the test and ask friends to watch them with him and see if they agree. Inspired by a friend’s social media post about his daughter hating a movie he had shown her for the first time, Shawn got an idea to start a podcast about the longevity of movies we love. His first call, his friend Colin Stewart who he had met while performing together on stage only a year earlier but they had hit it off. They joined forces and to Shawn’s surprise, Colin had never seen most of the movies he talked about; the ideal situation. ‘I Used To Like This One’ was born. Now, join Shawn and Colin every week when they look back on movies they remember fondly from their childhood (whether they were age appropriate at the time or not) and attempt to look past the nostalgia to see if they still hold up. New episodes every Friday.”
Contact Us
Email: iusedtolikethisone@gmail.com | Instagram: iusedtolikethisone | Twitter: @iused2likethis1 |
Facebook: iusedtolikethisone | Snapchat: Iused2likethis1 Patreon: www.patreon.com/iusedtolikethisone
Aaron Knowles is your typical über-nerd. He loves all things Science-Fiction; Robots, Lazers, time-travel, and anything Captain America or Batman.